
Another reason I love my peanut.

Ohhh....my wonderful little Peanut Petunia. The one who I can blame for inviting me into the ever-so addicting world of blogging. Why is Mrs. Peanut so wonderful, you ask? Well, not only is she absolutely fabulous...she also has killer style, she's funny, she's honest...and to top it off: She's presented me with an award!

The Honest Scrap Award Guidelines
1.) Say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.
2.) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
3.) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
4.) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving.

1. Mason aka Susan aka Peanut Petunia is awesome. Not only can I thank her for this award, I can also thank her for introducing me to the world of blogging. It started with sending me wedding ideas, which turned into sending me links to entire blogs that are awesome, which parlayed into her starting Peanut Petunia. She got me hooked. She's a creative genius. She's blunt. She's funny. She's adorable. She's awesome. Peanut Petunia - I salute you. :)

2. Oh geez...ten honest things about little ol' me?!?
ONE: I have no middle name. My first name is hyphenated, which confuses people.
TWO: I used to collect fortune cookie fortunes. I used them for an art project.
THREE: I can't wait to have babies. Trevor will be an amazing Daddy.
FOUR: I might be slightly addicted to Dill Pickle flavored sunflower seeds.
FIVE: I want to own my own business one day.
SIX: I could live life without a cell phone. I did it for 6 mos. this year and it rocked.
SEVEN: I was in an A Capella jazz group and that show Glee makes me miss choir.
EIGHT: I love photography. I dream of owning a fabulous camera.
NINE: I love to make lists. I love post its. I love calendars. OCD, perhaps?
TEN: Dave Matthews is at the tip-top of my laminate list. Those eyebrows... ahhhh.
3. I would like to present this award to the following fabulous people/blogs:
ONE: SWOONOVERIT - Absolutely fabulous.
TWO: East Side Bride - Indie wedding planning? Yes, please.
THREE: Unruly Things - Genius. Lovely. Creative.
FOUR: The Relentless Bride - Personal. Fun.
FIVE: Snippet & Ink - Inspirational.
SIX: One Month Off - A friend's journey in life for a month. He's fantastic.
SEVEN: Jeremy Lawson Photography Blog - Love. Love. Love.
4. Informing people....after I craft this blog post.

So there you have it. I am so tickled pink about this! :) Thank you! Thank you, everyone!